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02.04.2013, 17:55

I have a GM Triplex and i would like to install some images into an usb stick;
Do you know where i can find the program and a tutorial?
Do you think its a good idea to do that?

Thanks in advance,


02.04.2013, 19:13
not yet, joozek will create a tool for 7162, but he isn´t ready now.
You have to wait.

02.04.2013, 21:43
Thanks for your answer,

I hoped that B. Allen was compatible.

Hope soon because i've some reinstalls by bugs... The Signal dreht sich die obere linke...
i dont know if oscam cans disrupts the processes


02.04.2013, 22:12
Schreibe mal zdzislaw22 an, ich bin fest der Meinung das er das Multiboot auch für deine Spark 7162 in die neuen Versionen des j00zilators eingebaut hat.

03.04.2013, 12:23
Thanks Anskar!
I send him a msg...

03.04.2013, 12:25
... and with the help of a nice tester I will also include it ...

16.09.2013, 08:02
Loong time and DuckBA for spark7162 finally has born. Please note, it's first version and not many confirmed it's fully working. So would advice to test/use it by experienced users at the moment, who has possibility to connect tuner to PC via RS-232 console. You can start image from both USB ports (pico pendrive fits front USB port with small help) and HDD if you like.

16.09.2013, 21:59
Thank @zdzislaw ... perfect :)

I just tested installing on pendrive with your last image for Spark7162 ... SPARK7162_HYBRID_OPENPLI_130913.tar.gz ... on my AMIKO ALIEN 2+

Installed with ... j00ztalator 1.1 ...

It took me two tests but at the end ... the new bootargs began HYBRID USB ​​/ boot dev/sdb2 EXT3! :)

It would take an updated guide for suggestions, at least in English ... as soon as you can!

Team HDMU ... you can have the last Spark7162 image in tar.gz format for USB boot ... for test ?

Thank you ...

23.09.2013, 23:11
Hi All

We wait news from Zdzislaw ... :)

He has released a new version 1.2 j00ztalator !

P.S. Even though ... I managed to run the DuckBA plugin on last HDMU, it would useful to be able to install it automatically during the Extract Image procedure.

Thanks j00zek

24.09.2013, 22:08
try j00ztalator 1.2a, didn't test but should do the job.

25.09.2013, 07:42
With the accordance of zdzislaw22 I will include DuckBA into the Admin Tool (as for the UFS912)

25.09.2013, 14:12
That sounds promising, really looking forward to test something new :)
One question: Will it also work if I have both USB stick and one or two harddisks connected to the triplex as the device names might change during different boot attempts (sda/sdb/sdc)? Would there be a need to add all of them to the bootargs or would I need to give up some of the usb devices?

25.09.2013, 14:51
That sounds promising, really looking forward to test something new :)
One question: Will it also work if I have both USB stick and one or two harddisks connected to the triplex as the device names might change during different boot attempts (sda/sdb/sdc)? Would there be a need to add all of them to the bootargs or would I need to give up some of the usb devices?

Nope. Kernel would not find root if your disc changes location from sda to sdb during reboot.

25.09.2013, 15:00
OK, so I cannot search for multiple bootsectors via bootargs? I will anyway check if using always same port for USB stick on hub will retain the same device name on each boot attempt. But really looking forward to test it :)

08.11.2013, 10:18
try j00ztalator 1.2a, didn't test but should do the job.
Where cann I find to download j00ztalator 1.2a ?

08.11.2013, 11:31

>>klick mich<< (!314&sc=documents)


08.11.2013, 11:42
.... hab den offenen Link mal eingepackt ;)

12.02.2014, 22:07
@Zdzislaw ... sorry but your mail-box is full and I don't have other coordinates ! :cool:

Two things ... on j00ztalator 1.3b and DuckBA E2 plugin:

1 - The combo box for formatting usb device .. it's not enable ! I don't know if this is a your decision or bug sw "not enable flag" on new module !

2 - Boot change for Spark, please modify your script "" according to TRIPLEX "7162" environment system !

Thanks & Ciao ...

13.02.2014, 07:23

ad1.) You have to first initiate your pen/hdd to have format enabled. The simplest to use createmini
ad2.) Thanks for info, will look into

13.02.2014, 10:01

ad1.) You have to first initiate your pen/hdd to have format enabled. The simplest to use createmini

Hi @ZDzislaw ... Thank you for the quick reply! :)

Sorry if I repeat ... but even if the pendrive / HDD is already initialized with multiple Ext3 formatted partitions ... all combo box remain disabled!

On my pendrive there are 3 primary and 1 extended partitions with 5 logical partitions (all ext3) and I have the flag enabled for automatic formatting before extracting the rootfs ... and with the previous 1.3 version all combo box is always enabled!

P.S. If you have time ... would be useful for the community ... be able to automatic restore (by data cache) of the whole set-environment through the u-boot console.

I read more and more users who have fully or partially corrupted environment ... and of course insert multiple rows by hand with the copy and paste, this can easily lead to syntax errors!

Ciao & thanks for your great availability!

13.02.2014, 17:50
As you can see on attached,format buttons are enabled. If not on your side, send akcje.log file to me.
@anskar:do you know DckBA has also plugin for Neutrino?;)

13.02.2014, 18:31
@ZDzislaw sorry

but ... I haven't been corrected in the request ... I mean for the combo box to select the type of partition !

1.3 version:

1.3b version:

P.S. DuckBA Neutrino version (TRIPLEX_HYBRIDtrino_140208) not working well !
I have tested only usb boot mode ... you can choose the boot partition ... but then returns to the menu selection of the scripts and the receiver is blocked!

Ciao ...

13.02.2014, 18:41
@ZDzislaw sorry

but ... I haven't been corrected in the request ... I mean for the combo box to select the type of partition !

1.3 version:

1.3b version:

P.S. DuckBA Neutrino version (TRIPLEX_HYBRIDtrino_140208) not working well !
I have tested only usb boot mode ... you can choose the boot partition ... but then returns to the menu selection of the scripts and the receiver is blocked!

Ciao ...

hmmm... strange, on my tuner works correctly , also other polish users confirm it is working. Bug selecting type resolved

13.02.2014, 19:10
hmmm... strange, on my tuner works correctly , also other polish users confirm it is working.

I tried both versions in usb boot mode (flash version transformed into tar.gz ... and the other tar.gz official version ) present on your skydrive.
However, these HYBRIDtrino versions do not work well ... on my AMIKO Alien 2 + ... there are too many system lags with OSD/RCU commands !

Ciao ...

- - - Updated - - -

OK with j00ztalator 1.3c ... select type partition is enable now ! :)


Excuse me, but now I have to go out with TechSat friends (for dinner) ... but I will make sure to test it thoroughly ... when I get back or tomorrow at the latest!

Thank you very much!

Ciao ...