Zitat Zitat von bonkel Beitrag anzeigen
so instead of ntfs-3g, install kernel-module?
so i can delete ntfs-3g from oe build
and add modprob in initd as plugin with depend on kernel-modul?
I agree with you, for "read-only" ntfs, should do so.
ntfs-3g is not present in the original image (not the package). Since the full functionality ntfs not expected, there is no need to ntfs-3g.

Zitat Zitat von bonkel Beitrag anzeigen
and maybe # CONFIG_NTFS_RW is not set to CONFIG_NTFS_RW=y to have read and write access?
Sorry, I do not have in-depth knowledge on this issue.

For the image of users:
If ntfs-3g has been set by the user, only then it should be removed.