Telnet geht by meiner ME wieder.

@kapios: what are the issues?
Telnet, should be working. FTP, wasn't broken as far a i know
Wifi: well, you have the folder and files from openspa.
You can get involved in the problem solving by testing it.
You can start replacing individual folders with the kernel drivers (one by one) and reboot to see if the problem persits or is gone - to isolated to issue.
If you can, then you swap the differnt drivers in that folder to see if you can pinpoint.
You can do same with azbox drivers in the extra folders. but they should be identical. (you can do binary compares or hash comparisons on the files to determine if any are differnt)
and then other users to test if replacing that driver helps, causes other problems etc. and then the team can check whether the build can be changed to make it work.. (or users can just replace the driver.)
No guarantee that this will pin-point the issue. But worth a try if this is so important.

But of course, if you don't have time and you'd rather wait for some other user to test this, then you will probably have to accept the problem for the forseeable future.