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  1. #5
    Hello Audioniek

    Problem of stm was probably more the bankruptcy. But the stuff is still there.
    sh4 even exists with Kernel 3 .., but there is a lot to be done in terms of boxing.
    HDMU had very long problems because of forum software and then also images that are far from working.
    Since a little credit was gambled away.
    Now it is running again reasonably. But it stays closed and you can not help much.
    That's too bad, because the image always ran very fast.

    Your git ..
    Thank you for your separate work.
    Also the driver branch is to be particularly mentioned.
    For sh4 I hope for a long time support :-)

    As a self-building image hobbyist, there are a few ideas for improving sh4 boxes

    - disable PIP and give it more free RAM (thanks @dboxoldie)
    PIP arrives only in SD, therefore rather ineffective
    - Reactivate Compcache (ramzwap) for e2 that's really good
    - Try the gcc 4.9.4 In the build system is still the 4.8.4

    A few thoughts on your excellent work.


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