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  1. #1
    Moderator Avatar von morly
    Registriert seit
    Thanked 2.764 Times in 1.357 Posts
    @arrap1968: hab dir pn mit Link geschickt,
    bitte testen...
    (Boardupload nicht möglich)
    "Every Setback is a Set Up for a Comeback"

  2. #2
    Hi, Gerade getestet !!
    Stürtzt bei Einstellassi ab , bei einstellung - HDMI
    '0▒▒(Re)start USB...
    Front USB:   scanning bus for devices... 3 USB Device(s) found
           scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
                system volume information/
     262144000   root.img
      3012748   uimage
    2 file(s), 2 dir(s)
    reading uImage
    ret=> 3012748
    Wait [1]
    Wait [2]
    Wait [3]
    Wait [4]
    Wait [5]
    Wait [6]
    ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to missing mtab file while determining whether /mnt/root.img is mounted.
    /mnt/root.img: clean, 6201/64000 files, 122618/256000 blocks
    mount root
    INIT: version 2.88 booting
    init frontpanel
    WAIT 1 min
    mknod: /dev/avs: File exists
    mknod: /dev/fuse: File exists
    [mountvirtfs] Mount /dev in tmpfs
    [mountvirtfs] Copying device nodes to /dev
    Starting portmap daemon....
    Loading autofs
    Starting autofs
    [mountall] Mounting local filesystems...
    mount: mounting LABEL=RECORD on /hdd failed: No such file or directory
    Cleaning /tmp /var/run /var/lock.
    Hostname: 1008G+SE+.
    init stmfb
    load firmware
    copLoadFile (file /boot/audio.elf)
    ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
    base_address 0x40400000
    copLoadFile (file /boot/video.elf)
    ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
    base_address 0x40000000
    init embx
    init AVS
    skip mpeg2
    [evremote2] Model: 'hs7429'
    [evremote2] vBoxType: 8 (hs7429)
    [evremote2] Input device name: "TDT RC event driver"
    [evremote2] Remote selected: Fortis RemoteControl
    [evremote2] RemoteControl Map:
                 Keyname  Keyword  KeyCode
                    MENU  -  04  -  139
                     RED  -  4B  -  398
                   GREEN  -  4A  -  399
                  YELLOW  -  49  -  400
                    BLUE  -  48  -  401
                    EXIT  -  1C  -  174
                    TEXT  -  0D  -  388
                     EPG  -  08  -  365
                  REWIND  -  58  -  168
             FASTFORWARD  -  5C  -  208
                    PLAY  -  55  -  207
                   PAUSE  -  07  -  119
                  RECORD  -  56  -  167
                    STOP  -  54  -  128
                 STANDBY  -  0A  -  116
                    MUTE  -  0C  -  113
               CHANNELUP  -  5E  -  104
             CHANNELDOWN  -  5F  -  109
                VOLUMEUP  -  4E  -  115
              VOLUMEDOWN  -  4F  -  114
                    INFO  -  06  -  358
                      OK  -  1F  -  352
    [mountall] Mounting local filesystems...
                      UP  -  00  -  103
                   RIGHT  -  02  -  106
                    DOWN  -  01  -  108
                    LEFT  -  03  -  105
                    BACK  -  09  -  158
                    ZOOM  -  0B  -  372
                   VMODE  -  0E  -   47
              RESOLUTION  -  0F  -  393
                 TVRADIO  -  1A  -  378
                   SLEEP  -  1E  -  142
                    OPEN  -  40  -  361
                                                        FAV  -  41  -  364
                   TIMER  -  42  -  362
                    UPUP  -  43  -  414
                DOWNDOWN  -  44  -  415
                    NEXT  -  4C  -  407
                    LAST  -  50  -  412
                     PIP  -  51  -  375
                   MEDIA  -  52  -  226
                    LIST  -  53  -  395
                 0BUTTON  -  10  -   11
                 1BUTTON  -  11  -    2
                 2BUTTON  -  12  -    3
                 3BUTTON  -  13  -    4
                 4BUTTON  -  14  -    5
                 5BUTTON  -  15  -    6
                 6BUTTON  -  16  -    7
                 7BUTTON  -  17  -    8
                 8BUTTON  -  18  -    9
                 9BUTTON  -  19  -   10
    [evremote2] Frontpanel Map:
                 Keyname  Keyword  KeyCode
                 STANDBY  -  00  -  116
                      OK  -  06  -  352
                    MENU  -  05  -  139
                VOLUMEUP  -  03  -  115
              VOLUMEDOWN  -  04  -  114
               CHANNELUP  -  01  -  104
             CHANNELDOWN  -  02  -  109
    [evremote2] Supports Long KeyPress: yes
    [evremote2 fortis] Period = 10, delay = 120
    [evremote2] Using period = 10 delay = 120
    showSinglePic /boot/bootlogo.mvi
    VIDEO_PLAY (Success)
    VIDEO_CONTINUE: (Success)
    VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: (Invalid argument)
    Deconfiguring network interfaces... ifdown: interface lo not configured
    ifdown: interface eth0 not configured
    ifdown: interface eth1 not configured
    ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured
    Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
    Configuring network interfaces... mount: mounting LABEL=RECORD on /hdd failed: No such file or directory
    udhcpc: started, v1.28.0
    udhcpc: sending discover
    [set_was_timer_wakeup] error reading /etc/enigma2/timers.xml
    [set_was_timer_wakeup] no timer aktiv
    /usr/bin/amixer: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/amixer)
    /usr/bin/amixer: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/amixer)
    /usr/bin/amixer: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/amixer)
    Invalid card number.
    Invalid card number.
    Usage: amixer <options> command
    Available options:
      -h,--help       this help
      -c,--card N     select the card
      -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
      -d,--debug      debug mode
      -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
      -v,--version    print version of this program
      -q,--quiet      be quiet
      -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
      -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)
    Available commands:
      scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
      scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
      sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
      sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
      controls        show all controls for given card
      contents        show contents of all controls for given card
      cset cID P      set control contents for one control
      cget cID        get control contents for one control
    Invalid card number.
    Usage: amixer <options> command
    Available options:
      -h,--help       this help
      -c,--card N     select the card
      -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
      -d,--debug      debug mode
      -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
      -v,--version    print version of this program
      -q,--quiet      be quiet
      -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
      -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)
    Available commands:
      scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
      scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
      sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
      sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
      controls        show all controls for given card
      contents        show contents of all controls for given card
      cset cID P      set control contents for one control
      cget cID        get control contents for one control
    Usage: amixer <options> command
    Available options:
      -h,--help       this help
      -c,--card N     select the card
      -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
      -d,--debug      debug mode
      -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
      -v,--version    print version of this program
      -q,--quiet      be quiet
      -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
      -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)
    Available commands:
      scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
      scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
      sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
      sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
      controls        show all controls for given card
      contents        show contents of all controls for given card
      cset cID P      set control contents for one control
      cget cID        get control contents for one control
    starting e2->
    udhcpc: sending select for
    udhcpc: lease of obtained, lease time 864000
    route: SIOCDELRT: No such process
    adding dns
    ip: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
    ip: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
    rm: can't remove '/media/USB/SWAPPART': No such file or directory
    rm: can't remove '/media/USB/Record': No such file or directory
    mount: mounting LABEL=RECORD on /hdd failed: No such file or directory
    PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/enigma2/python
    [MAIN] executing main
    no profile dataavailable
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    libpng warning: iCCP: cHRM chunk does not match sRGB
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    libpng warning: iCCP: cHRM chunk does not match sRGB
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 67 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 67 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 67 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 67 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 160 (OK)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 160 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 160 (OK)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 160 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 6C (DOWN)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 6C 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 6C (DOWN)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 6C gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 160 (OK)
    [evremnextKey=01 gRESS   - 160 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 160 (OK)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 160 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 65, in action
      File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 46, in action
      File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 376, in ok
      File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 350, in finished
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    e2 ended <- RTV:  137
    starting e2->
    INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
    Sending all processes the TERM signal...done.
    Sending all processes the KILL signal...done.
    Deactivating swap...umount: tmpfs busy - remounted read-only
    Unmounting local filesystems...umount: tmpfs busy - remounted read-only
    umount: can't unmount /mnt: Invalid argument
    '0▒▒(Re)start USB...
    Front USB:   scanning bus for devices... 3 USB Device(s) found
           scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
                system volume information/
     262144000   root.img
      3012748   uimage
    2 file(s), 2 dir(s)
    reading uImage
    ret=> 3012748
    Wait [1]
    Wait [2]
    Wait [3]
    Wait [4]
    Wait [5]
    Wait [6]
    ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to missing mtab file while determining whether /mnt/root.img is mounted.
    /mnt/root.img: clean, 6235/64000 files, 123031/256000 blocks
    mount root
    INIT: version 2.88 booting
    init frontpanel
    [mountvirtfs] Mount /dev in tmpfs
    [mountvirtfs] Copying device nodes to /dev
    Starting portmap daemon...Illegal instruction
    Loading autofs
    Starting autofs
    [mountall] Mounting local filesystems...
    mount: mounting LABEL=RECORD on /hdd failed: No such file or directory
    Cleaning /tmp.
    Hostname: 1008G+SE+.
    init stmfb
    load firmware
    copLoadFile (file /boot/audio.elf)
    ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
    base_address 0x40400000
    copLoadFile (file /boot/video.elf)
    ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
    base_address 0x40000000
    init embx
    init AVS
    skip mpeg2
    [mountall] Mounting local filesystems...
    [evremote2] Model: 'hs7429'
    [evremote2] vBoxType: 8 (hs7429)
    [evremote2] Input device name: "TDT RC event driver"
    [evremote2] Remote selected: Fortis RemoteControl
    [evremote2] RemoteControl Map:
                 Keyname  Keyword  KeyCode
                    MENU  -  04  -  139
                     RED  -  4B  -  398
                   GREEN  -  4A  -  399
                  YELLOW  -  49  -  400
                    BLUE  -  48  -  401
                    EXIT  -  1C  -  174
                    TEXT  -  0D  -  388
                     EPG  -  08  -  365
                  REWIND  -  58  -  168
             FASTFORWARD  -  5C  -  208
                    PLAY  -  55  -  207
                   PAUSE  -  07  -  119
                  RECORD  -  56  -  167
                    STOP  -  54  -  128
                 STANDBY  -  0A  -  116
                    MUTE  -  0C  -  113
               CHANNELUP  -  5E  -  104
             CHANNELDOWN  -  5F  -  109
                VOLUMEUP  -  4E  -  115
              VOLUMEDOWN  -  4F  -  114
                    INFO  -  06  -  358
                      OK  -  1F  -  352
                      UP  -  00  -  103
                   RIGHT  -  02  -  106
                    DOWN  -  01  -  108
                    LEFT  -  03  -  105
                    BACK  -  09  -  158
                    ZOOM  -  0B  -  372
                   VMODE  -  0E  -   47
              RESOLUTION  -  0F  -  393
                 TVRADIO  -  1A  -  378
                   SLEEP  -  1E  -  142
                    OPEN  -  40  -  361
                     FAV  -  41  -  364
                   TIMER  -  42  -  362
                    UPUP  -  43  -  414
                DOWNDOWN  -  44  -  415
                    NEXT  -  4C  -  407
                    LAST  -  50  -  412
                     PIP  -  51  -  375
                   MEDIA  -  52  -  226
                    LIST  -  53  -  395
                 0BUTTON  -  10  -   11
                 1BUTTON  -  11  -    2
                 2BUTTON  -  12  -    3
                 3BUTTON  -  13  -    4
                 4BUTTON  -  14  -    5
                 5BUTTON  -  15  -    6
                 6BUTTON  -  16  -    7
                 7BUTTON  -  17  -    8
                 8BUTTON  -  18  -    9
                 9BUTTON  -  19  -   10
    [evremote2] Frontpanel Map:
                 Keyname  Keyword  KeyCode
                 STANDBY  -  00  -  116
                      OK  -  06  -  352
                    MENU  -  05  -  139
                VOLUMEUP  -  03  -  115
              VOLUMEDOWN  -  04  -  114
               CHANNELUP  -  01  -  104
             CHANNELDOWN  -  02  -  109
    [evremote2] Supports Long KeyPress: yes
    [evremote2 fortis] Period = 10, delay = 120
    [evremote2] Using period = 10 delay = 120
    showSinglePic /boot/bootlogo.mvi
    VIDEO_PLAY (Success)
    VIDEO_CONTINUE: (Success)
    VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: (Invalid argument)
    Deconfiguring network interfaces... mount: mounting LABEL=RECORD on /hdd failed: No such file or directory
    /usr/bin/amixer/usr/bin/amixer: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/amixer)
    /usr/bin/amixer: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/amixer)
    [set_was_timer_wakeup] error reading /etc/enigma2/timers.xml
    [set_was_timer_wakeup] no timer aktiv
    : /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/amixer)
    Invalid card number.
    Usage: amixer <options> command
    Available options:
      -h,--help       this help
      -c,--card N     select the card
      -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
      -d,--debug      debug mode
      -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
      -v,--version    print version of this program
      -q,--quiet      be quiet
      -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
      -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)
    Invalid card number.
    Usage: amixer <options> command
    Available options:
      -h,--help       this help
      -c,--card N     select the card
      -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
      -d,--debug      debug mode
      -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
    Invalid card number.
    Usage: amixer <options> command
    Available options:
      -h,--help       this help
      -c,--card N     select the card
      -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
      -d,--debug      debug mode
      -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
      -v,--version    print version of this program
      -q,--quiet      be quiet
      -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
      -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)
    Available commands:
      scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
      scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
      sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
      sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
      controls        show all controls for given card
      contents        show contents of all controls for given card
      cset cID P      set control contents for one control
      cget cID        get control contents for one control
    Available commands:
      scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
      scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
      sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
      sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
      controls        show all controls for given card
      contents        show contents of all controls for given card
      cset cID P      set control contents for one control
      cget cID        get control contents for one control
      -v,--version    print version of this program
      -q,--quiet      be quiet
      -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
      -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)
    Available commands:
      scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
      scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
      sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
      sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
      controls        show all controls for given card
      contents        show contents of all controls for given card
      cset cID P      set control contents for one control
      cget cID        get control contents for one control
    ifdown: interface eth1 not configured
    ifdown: interface wlan0 not configured
    starting e2->
    Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
    Configuring network interfaces... udhcpc: started, v1.28.0
    udhcpc: sending discover
    udhcpc: sending select for
    udhcpc: lease of obtained, lease time 864000
    route: SIOCDELRT: No such process
    adding dns
    ip: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
    ip: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
    mount: mounting LABEL=RECORD on /hdd failed: No such file or directory
    PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/enigma2/python
    [MAIN] executing main
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    libpng warning: iCCP: cHRM chunk does not match sRGB
    libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
    libpng warning: iCCP: cHRM chunk does not match sRGB
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    close failed in file object destructor:
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 67 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 67 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 67 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 67 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 160 (OK)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 160 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 160 (OK)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 160 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 67 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 67 (UP)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 67 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 6C (DOWN)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 6C 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 6C (DOWN)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 6C gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 6C (DOWN)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 6C 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 6C (DOWN)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 6C gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 160 (OK)
    [evremote2] KEY_PRESS   - 160 1
    [evremote2] KEY by code: 160 (OK)
    [evremote2] KEY_RELEASE - 160 gKeycode=00 nextKey=01 gNextKey=01 CAUSE: Timeout
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 65, in action
      File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/", line 46, in action
      File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 376, in ok
      File "usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/", line 350, in finished
    IOError: [Errno 14] Bad address
    e2 ended <- RTV:  137
    INIT: Switching to runlevel: 6
    starting e2->
    INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
    Sending all processes the TERM signal...done.
    Sending all processes the KILL signal...done.
    Deactivating swap...umount: tmpfs busy - remounted read-only
    Unmounting local filesystems...umount: tmpfs busy - remounted read-only
    umount: can't unmount /mnt: Invalid argument
    '0▒▒oting... FrTs

  3. #3
    Moderator Avatar von morly
    Registriert seit
    Thanked 2.764 Times in 1.357 Posts
    ok, sehr gut, image bootet.
    sag mir genau was du im videowizard auswählst und machst...
    "Every Setback is a Set Up for a Comeback"

  4. #4
    Erst will er die Sprache - Deutsch dann ok drücken- geht
    Dann will er Video ausgang - Ich gehe auf HDMI drücke dann ok - und da abstürz !!

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to arrap1968 For This Useful Post:

  6. #5
    Neuer Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    gleiche problem beim optibox gekko mit aktuellen hs7110 images. hab letztes backup von 2014, da und vorher lief alles problemlos.


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