Zitat Zitat von Audioniek Beitrag anzeigen
Hello everybody,

It is my gut feeling that something is slowly going wrong here.

@mountaineer: it still is not clear to me what has been changed in the boot arguments on your HS8200. With unchanged boot arguments loader 6.00 cannot start an USB image.

@ainouna: The problem is about an HS8200 not an HS7429. Flashing a 7.37 bootloader into an HS8200 will brick the receiver. Also, the HS7429 uses a different style of USB image which only requires 1 FAT32 partition on the USB stick. An HS8200 requires a USB stick with at least a FAT32 partition for uImage and an ext2/ext3 formatted partition for rest of the image as mountaineer has written. Also see here (posting #20).


did you access the bootloader source hs7429?

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Zitat Zitat von ainouna Beitrag anzeigen
Hello ...
if you have boot 7.37
then it works fine
otherwise reflash the 7.37 boot on your receiver

plz share bootloader hs7429