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Hi Audoniek,

with the updated image atevio7500_Audioniek_enigma2_gst-epl3_USB_CDK-rev1364.zip from late March
the problem still persists: the tuner can't find any vertically polarized channels. The tuner is a Sony CXD2820R.

How can we approach this problem?
Sorry, the DVB-S tuner is an Availink AVM2108, see the output below. Sorry for coming with another report, but I also have challenges with the DVB-T/T2 tuner, which is a Samsung CXD2820. It is only recognized as a DVB-T (not T2) tuner (see below as well ) so that I cannot tune in to any channels that use the DVB-T2 standard. This problem is also present on the latest HDMU image 16228 enigma2 Git 581.

How can I force the system to treat Tuner 1 as a DVB-T2 instead of DVB-T tuner?



Output of cat /proc/bus/nim_sockets

NIM Socket 0:
Type: DVB-S2
Name: Availink AVL2108 DVB-S2
Frontend_Device: 0
NIM Socket 1:
Type: DVB-T
Name: Samsung CXD2820 DVB-T/T2
Frontend_Device: 1