well glad to have found this plugin and glad its there for others on the upload center now. It is fast enough to be able to use, maybe 1 second slower than the default serviceslist. All quick buttons I have set up work flawlessly as if no change in the default setup key mappings. I don't see the issue here really maybe you should try it.
Can't see the issue with having on the plugin feed. If the box's vary in speeds I guess we all get a slice of that humble pie, some skins hugely underperform on Amiko Alien 2 hdmu image not a major problem though as most of them look ugly and way to bloated anyway :-)

anyway ty for all ur replys

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Sorry wenn ich mich hier einmische,habe mal spasseshalber es auf der IPBox910 getestet,aber für mich nicht zu gebrauchen,wie schon oft geschrieben,MQB verlangsamt das Image Extrem.Wenn man von einem Kanal zum anderen(FTA Sender)wechselt,dauert es mindestens zwei Sekunden,ausserdem habe ich auchj schon mit meinen Mipsel Boxen sehr oft schlechte Erfahrungen(Dauerreboot)damit gemacht.Deswegen ist das Plugin für mich ein No Go.
will keep testing and report back on this