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  1. #1
    Erfahrener Benutzer
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    Thanked 10 Times in 9 Posts
    hello Audioniek my recever is dead for internal flash but by usb is work bad block:NAND: nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x00000000
    is no good thanks.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Zitat Zitat von samkooke Beitrag anzeigen
    hello Audioniek my recever is dead for internal flash but by usb is work bad block:NAND: nand_read_bbt: Bad block at 0x00000000
    is no good thanks.
    last image is very good infinity enigma2 do both .

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Thanked 9 Times in 6 Posts
    Bonsoir samkooke ,

    Ce que tu annonce là ne fait pas avancer les choses , c'est claire qu'il y a des block défectueux dans ton flash NAND que le boot ne peut pas charger pour démarrer le système . alors qu'en usb ça ne pose pas de problème du moment que ce dernier est intacte .

    Ce que Audioniek essaye de dire , c'est donner plus d'infos sur l’état actuelle de votre boite a savoir :
    quelle est le resellerID dans le boot actuelle ( cela il suppose déjà qu'il n'est pas à sa localisation standard ) , toi seul tu peu savoir sur quel resellerID était ton demo avant de perdre le flash.
    qu'est ce que ça affiche sur le VFD lorsque tu essaye d'introduire l'original soft avec le bon resellerID.
    est qu'est ce que le serial log ( putty ) affiche lors du flashage ( avec le bon resellerID toujours). si possible afficher le log ici .

    A toi de fournir ces infos pour pouvoir t'aider ; alors si tu te contente avec l'image sur USB et tu veux rester sur celle ci et laisser tomber le flash , cela ne fait de mal à personne .

    hs7819 @E2_sh4 ~~ NilSat(7W)_Astra(19.2E)

  3. #3
    Erfahrener Benutzer
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    Thanked 10 Times in 9 Posts
    bonjour kader j'ai tres bien compris ce que disais Audioniek le recepteur ne repond a rien sur le vdf il est sur 7119 et clignote rouge et vert le resellerID de mon recepteur etais:270900A0 j'ai tout essayer il ne prend plus les fichiers IRD il bloque sur usb merci a tous qui ont essayer de m'aider.

  4. #4
    Neuer Benutzer
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    hello everybody ,,i have the same problem,,i flash wrong boot to my forever 7420 i read all the replies but i cant understand exactly
    mr kader how i can flash my original boot with the original file usb_boot.img i find it in forum ,,the currently id of my device is 7810

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Ridderkerk, Niederlande
    Thanked 713 Times in 304 Posts
    We need to know if your receiver still shows some signs of life on the serial port when it is switched on. Can you provide that info?


    Receivers: Rebox: RE-4000, 8000, 9000, 2200, 2210, 2220, 4200, 4210, 4220, 8220, 8500, SAB Unix Triple, Golden Media Spark TripleX, Amiko Alien 2+, Sogno Spark Revolution, Kathrein UFS910(1 & 14W)/912/913/922(CX24116 & AVL2108 tuners), Vizyon revolution 820HD PVR, AB IPBox 91HD/9000HD/9000HD rev.2, Xsarius Alpha HD10, nBox BKSA/BSLA/BXZB/BZZB, Vitamin HD 5000
    Sats: Astra 1, 2 & 3, Hotbird
    Main activity: building my own E2 images for Fortis receivers

  6. #6
    Registriert seit
    Thanked 9 Times in 6 Posts
    hello ;

    @Abdallah Mef ; as Audioniek said , we need to know if is stilll possible to access to the receiver's flash using the serial port , if so the case can be solved by writing the correct U_boot into the right address.

    to know this, so connect your STB to a terminal via serial port , open the console ( i e putty -speed 115200) and switch on your receiver. If there is anything displayed, post the output here.

    b Regards
    hs7819 @E2_sh4 ~~ NilSat(7W)_Astra(19.2E)

  7. #7
    Neuer Benutzer
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    could you help me please to restore Openbox s6 with L6.26 loader. Reseller ID is changed to Octagon 1008SE+.
    My kids watch cartoons on it so it's crucial tuner at home
    I had enigma on usb stick but it crashed and I can't boot up tuner from usb or flash again.
    I can upload octagon firmware with Porter or CH UP method but it doesn't want to start and hangs up.
    Below logs from putty:

    without usb
    =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2016.09.21 0014 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=
     % Í(Re)start USB...
    Front USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
    scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
    Rear USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
    scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
    (Re)start USB...
    Front USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
    scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
    Rear USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
    scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
    stopping USB..

    (Re)start USB...
    Front USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
    scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
    Rear USB: scanning bus for devices... 2 USB Device(s) found
    scanning bus for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
    ** Can't read from device 0 **

    ** Unable to use usb 0:1 for fatload **

    init started: BusyBox v1.14.2 (2012-03-12 1537 KST)
    with usb
    % Í(Re)start USB...
    Front USB: scanning bus for devices... 3 USB Device(s) found
    scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
    system volume information/
    268435456 root.img
    2990942 uimage

    2 file(s), 1 dir(s)

    reading uImage
    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..........................................
    ret=> 2990942
    Wait [1]
    Wait [2]
    Wait [3]
    Wait [4]
    Wait [5]
    Wait [6]
    ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to missing mtab file while determining whether /mnt/root.img is mounted.
    /mnt/root.img: recovering journal
    /mnt/root.img: clean, 6235/65536 files, 159121/262144 blocks
    mount root
    INIT: version 2.86 booting
    init frontpanel
    Mount /dev in tmpfs
    Copying device nodes to /dev
    Starting portmap daemon....
    Starting DEBUG Interface
    Mounting local filesystems...
    Cleaning /tmp.
    Hostname: SF918SE+.
    starting telnetd
    init stmfb
    load a firmware
    copLoadFile (file /boot/audio.elf)
    ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
    base_address 0x40400000
    seeking to 0
    seeking to 5e00
    seeking to 12460
    seeking to 1ab60
    seeking to 154300
    seeking to 154338
    seeking to 154370
    seeking to 191a58
    seeking to 191a60
    seeking to 191a68
    seeking to 191a70
    seeking to 1aae40
    seeking to 1aaf00
    load v firmware
    copLoadFile (file /boot/video.elf)
    ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
    base_address 0x40000000
    seeking to 0
    seeking to e2dc0
    seeking to e2df8
    seeking to e2e30
    seeking to e8fe8
    seeking to e8ff4
    seeking to e9000
    seeking to 115710
    seeking to 117800
    init embx
    init AVS
    init player 191
    starting vsftpd
    Starting FTP server: vsftpd.
    Model: hs7110
    vBoxType: 7
    Input device name: "TDT RC event driver"
    Selected Remote: Fortis HDBOX RemoteControl
    RemoteControl Map:
    MENU - 04 - 139
    RED - 4B - 398
    GREEN - 4A - 399
    YELLOW - 49 - 400
    BLUE - 48 - 401
    EXIT - 1C - 174
    TEXT - 0D - 388
    EPG - 08 - 365
    REWIND - 58 - 168
    FASTFORWARD - 5C - 208
    PLAY - 55 - 207
    PAUSE - 07 - 119
    RECORD - 56 - 167
    STOP - 54 - 128
    STANDBY - 0A - 116
    MUTE - 0C - 113
    CHANNELUP - 5E - 104
    CHANNELDOWN - 5F - 109
    VOLUMEUP - 4E - 115
    VOLUMEDOWN - 4F - 114
    INFO - 06 - 138
    OK - 1F - 352
    UP - 00 - 103
    RIGHT - 02 - 106
    DOWN - 01 - 108
    LEFT - 03 - 105
    RECALL - 09 - 396
    ZOOM - 0B - 372
    VFORMAT - 0E - 371
    RESOLUTION - 0F - 375
    TVRADIO - 1A - 373
    SLEEP - 1E - 409
    OPEN - 40 - 394
    FAV - 41 - 364
    CHECK - 42 - 353
    UPUP - 43 - 414
    DOWNDOWN - 44 - 415
    NEXT - 4C - 407
    LAST - 50 - 412
    PIP - 51 - 357
    SWAP - 52 - 354
    LIST - 53 - 370
    0BUTTON - 10 - 11
    1BUTTON - 11 - 2
    2BUTTON - 12 - 3
    3BUTTON - 13 - 4
    4BUTTON - 14 - 5
    5BUTTON - 15 - 6
    6BUTTON - 16 - 7
    7BUTTON - 17 - 8
    8BUTTON - 18 - 9
    9BUTTON - 19 - 10
    Frontpanel Map:
    STANDBY - 00 - 116
    OK - 06 - 352
    MENU - 05 - 139
    VOLUMEUP - 04 - 115
    VOLUMEDOWN - 03 - 114
    CHANNELUP - 01 - 104
    CHANNELDOWN - 02 - 109
    Supports Long KeyPress: 1
    processComplex >
    period 10, delay 140
    Using period=10 delay=140
    [SEM] DOWN
    showSinglePic /boot/bootlogo.mvi
    VIDEO_PLAY (Success)
    VIDEO_CONTINUE: (Success)
    VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: (Invalid argument)
    starting e2->
    print command
    hwnfconf=setenv nwhwnet device:eth0,hwaddr:$ethaddr
    nfsserverconf=setenv nfs_server nfsroot=$serverip
    ipconf=setenv ipaddrcfg ip=$ipaddr:$serverip:$gateway:$netmask:sdk:eth0ff
    cramfsbootargs=run hwnfconf;run ipconf;setenv bootargs console=ttyAS0,115200 roo t=/dev/mtdblock3 rootfstype=squashfs $ipaddrcfg nwhwconf=$nwhwnet bigphysarea=50 00 stb7111:eth0ff stmmaceth=msglvl:0,phyaddr:2,watchdog:4000,rxsize: 16 logleve l=0 $MTD
    nfsbootargs=run hwnfconf;run nfsserverconf;run ipconf;setenv bootargs console=tt yAS0,115200 root=/dev/nfs $nfs_server:/opt/STM/STLinux-2.3/devkit/sh4/target,nfs vers=2,rsize=4096,wsize=8192,nolock,tcp nwhwconf=$nwhwnet $ipaddrcfg stmmaceth=m sglvl:0,phyaddr:2,watchdog:4000,rxsize:16 bigphysarea=5000
    updt_boot=vfd LD;tftp 0x80000000 u-boot.bin;protect off 1:0-1;erase 1:0-1;cp.b 0 x80000000 0xa0000000 $filesize;protect on 1:0-1;vfd _End
    updt_boot_all=vfd LD;tftp 0x80000000 u-boot.bin;protect off 1:0-255;erase 1:0-25 5;cp.b 80000000 0xa0000000 $filesize;protect on 1:0-255;vfd _End
    updt_appb=vfd LD;tftp 0x80000000 app.img;protect off 1:64-103;erase 1:64-103;cp. b 80000000 0xa0800000 $filesize;protect on 1:64-103;vfd _End
    updt_user=vfd LD;tftp 0x80000000 user.img;protect off 1:224-255;erase 1:224-255; cp.b 80000000 0xa1c00000 $filesize;protect on 1:224-255;vfd _End
    erase_config=protect off 1:216-223;erase 1:216-223;protect on 1:216-223
    erase_env=protect off 1:2-2;erase 1:2-2;protect on 1:2-2
    ip=ip= 5.255.0:stb7111:eth0ff
    stmmaceth=stmmaceth=msglvl:0,phyaddr:2,watchdog:40 00,rxsize:16
    usbbootargs=run hwnfconf; run ipconf; setenv bootargs console=ttyAS0,115200 prin tk=0 root=/dev/sda2 rw rootdelay=5 ${ip} nwhwconf=$nwhwnet ${stmmaceth} bigphysa rea=6000 coprocessor_mem=4m@0x40000000,4m@0x40400000 init=/bin/devinit
    usbboot=if fatload usb 0:1 84000000 uImage; then vfd "USB"; run usbbootargs; boo tm 84000000; fi
    mtdboot=vfd "Flash"; run cramfsbootargs; bootm a0060000
    bootcmd=vfd "PKT"; sleep 2; vfd "Scan"; if usb reset; then run usbboot; fi; run mtdboot

    updt_ker=vfd LD;tftp 0x80000000 vmlinux.ub.cram;protect off a0060000 +$filesize; erase a0060000 +$filesize;cp.b 80000000 a0060000 $filesize;protect on a0060000 + $filesize;mtd_update;vfd _END
    MTD=mtdparts=physmap-flash:384K(Boot_firmware),1792K@0x00060000(kernel) ,7040K@0x 1320000(App),14464K@0x220000(ROOT_FS),2944K@0x1040 000(Device),1M@0x1b00000(CONFI G),4M@0x01c00000(User),32M@0(All),7040K@0x1320000( APP_ORG),7040K@0x1320000(APP_B AK)
    updt_img=vfd LD;tftp 0x80000000 root.img;protect off a0220000 +$filesize;erase a 0220000 +$filesize;cp.b 80000000 a0220000 $filesize;protect on a0220000 +$filesi ze;mtd_update;vfd _END
    updt_dev=vfd LD;tftp 0x80000000 device.img;protect off a1040000 +$filesize;erase a1040000 +$filesize;cp.b 80000000 a1040000 $filesize;protect on a1040000 +$file size;mtd_update;vfd _END
    updt_app=vfd LD;tftp 0x80000000 app.img;protect off a1320000 +$filesize;erase a1 320000 +$filesize;cp.b 80000000 a1320000 $filesize;protect on a1320000 +$filesiz e;mtd_update;vfd _END

    Environment size: 3217/16380 bytes

  8. #8
    Registriert seit
    Ridderkerk, Niederlande
    Thanked 713 Times in 304 Posts
    First of all, you have the correct loader in your receiver, as it is a Fortis HS7810A variant. The files you have attached show that the receiver tries to start an image for a HS7110 (Octagon SF918SE+) from USB, which is a different receiver.

    So give it a try with the correct image, one for an Octagon SF1008SE+.

    You should also be able to put an original Octagon SF1008SE+ factory firmware into flash but using the channel-up procedure, you do not need Porter for that. Are you sure the reseller in the loader is set to 250200A0? If not you should get Er10 messages at the start of flashing.


    Receivers: Rebox: RE-4000, 8000, 9000, 2200, 2210, 2220, 4200, 4210, 4220, 8220, 8500, SAB Unix Triple, Golden Media Spark TripleX, Amiko Alien 2+, Sogno Spark Revolution, Kathrein UFS910(1 & 14W)/912/913/922(CX24116 & AVL2108 tuners), Vizyon revolution 820HD PVR, AB IPBox 91HD/9000HD/9000HD rev.2, Xsarius Alpha HD10, nBox BKSA/BSLA/BXZB/BZZB, Vitamin HD 5000
    Sats: Astra 1, 2 & 3, Hotbird
    Main activity: building my own E2 images for Fortis receivers

  9. #9
    Neuer Benutzer
    Registriert seit
    Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
    Thank you for answer.
    I've tried many different versions of images for SF1008SE+ to start (both HDMU and PKT).
    I quoted logs for SF918SE+ because it was last one I tried to start. (I could upload it before and tuner worked without display.)

    I'm able to put an original Octagon SF1008SE+ factory firmware into flash through channel-up procedure and Porter as well. Everytime with succes but it doesn't want to start.

    How to check the reseller number in already uploaded loader?

  10. #10
    Registriert seit
    Ridderkerk, Niederlande
    Thanked 713 Times in 304 Posts
    The begin with your last question: there is no easy way to find out the reseller ID in the loader. I know of two ways. The first is flash a factory firmware. If this succeeds the reseller ID in the firmware file matched and can be displayed in a hex editor: they are the four bytes at offset 6 into the .ird file. The other way is more elaborate. In a telnet session, dump /dev/mtd0 into a file on an attached USB stick with cat /dev/mtd0 > /STORAGE/USB0/<filename>. This is the binary boot loader. Then display its contents in a hex editor. The reseller ID is at offset 0x0470. To check you have done it right, look at the three bytes following the reseller ID: they should be 00 26 06 (the bootloader version is reverse order)

    After your first comment (the things you already tried) I am pretty sure your receiver has a hardware defect, most likely a RAM chip of the SoC itself.

    The only thing I can think of that I would try is reflash the boot loader itself, as both channel-up and Porter still seem to work. In that case I would revert to the beginning and reflash the original Openbox loader, followed by an original Openbox firmware. If problems still persist, it is a hardware error for sure.


    Receivers: Rebox: RE-4000, 8000, 9000, 2200, 2210, 2220, 4200, 4210, 4220, 8220, 8500, SAB Unix Triple, Golden Media Spark TripleX, Amiko Alien 2+, Sogno Spark Revolution, Kathrein UFS910(1 & 14W)/912/913/922(CX24116 & AVL2108 tuners), Vizyon revolution 820HD PVR, AB IPBox 91HD/9000HD/9000HD rev.2, Xsarius Alpha HD10, nBox BKSA/BSLA/BXZB/BZZB, Vitamin HD 5000
    Sats: Astra 1, 2 & 3, Hotbird
    Main activity: building my own E2 images for Fortis receivers


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