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  1. #11
    Benutzer Avatar von Saentist
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    Thanked 6 Times in 5 Posts
    Question about order of questions in "/cdk/".
    Isn't it more normal after first question:
    "What is your receiver",
    to be fallowed by question:
    "What image do you want to create",
    and after that kernel, player etc.
    In situation of TVHeadend, player not important and not used.

    Second question
    is there option to have "DMESG" or other logging feature

    about elf files, here is some idea of script with can be part of

    1. check if in /cdk/root/boot exist any file with "audio*.elf"
    1.2 check count of files with "audio*.elf"
    1.3 if count is less then 5 (audio.elf audio_7100.elf, audio_7105.elf, audio_7109.elf, audio_7111.elf)
    go to step 1.4
    else go to step 3
    1.4 check if in StartHere or /cdk/root/boot have audio.elf and copy it as audio.elf audio_7100.elf, audio_7105.elf, audio_7109.elf, audio_7111.elf in /cdk/root/boot else go to step 2
    2 print error "missing audio.elf"; kill processing
    3. check if in /cdk/root/boot exist any file with "video*.elf"
    3.2 \
    3.3 - a'm to lazy to copy same action with replacing audio with video
    3.4 /
    4 print error "missing audio.elf"; kill processing
    5 continue with compilation

    Do not be too tough on my knowledge of programming, last i'm programmed on "Apple II"
    Geändert von Saentist (29.10.2015 um 10:48 Uhr)


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