Hi @Audioniek
There is a problem with building image of tvheadend all versions

                    _ _             _      _    _
     /\            | (_)           (_)    | |  ( )
    /  \  _   _  __| |_  ___  ____  _  ___| | _|/ ___
   / /\ \| | | |/ _  | |/ _ \|  _ \| |/ _ \ |/ / / __|
  / ____ \ |_| | (_| | | (_) | | | | |  __/   <  \__ \
 /_/    \_\__,_|\__,_|_|\___/|_| |_|_|\___|_|\_\ |___/

  _           _ _     _               _
 | |         (_) |   | |             | |
 | |__  _   _ _| | __| |___ _   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___
 |  _ \| | | | | |/ _  / __| | | / __| __/ _ \  _ v _ \
 | |_) | |_| | | | (_| \__ \ |_| \__ \ ||  __/ | | | | |
 |_.__/\__,_\|_|_|\__,_|___/\__, |___/\__\___|_| |_| |_|
                             __/ |
Target receivers:

  Kathrein             Fortis
    1)  UFS-910          7)  FS9000 / FS9200 (formerly Fortis HDbox)
    2)  UFS-912          8)  HS9510 (formerly Octagon SF1008P)
    3)  UFS-913          9*) HS8200 (bootloader 6.00, formerly Atevio AV7500)
    4)  UFS-922         10)  HS7110
    5)  UFC-960         11)  HS7119
                        12)  HS7420
  Topfield              13)  HS7429
    6)  TF77X0 HDPVR    14)  HS7810A
                        15)  HS7819

  AB IPBox             Cuberevo
   16)  55HD            19)  id.
   17)  99HD            20)  mini
   18)  9900HD          21)  mini2
   19)  9000HD          22)  250HD
   20)  900HD           23)  9500HD / 7000HD
   21)  910HD           24)  2000HD
   22)  91HD            25)  mini_fta / 200HD
                        26)  3000HD / Xsarius Alpha

  Fulan                Atemio
   27)  Spark           29)  AM520
   28)  Spark7162       30)  AM530

   31)  Edision argus VIP V1 [ 1 fixed tuner + 2 CI + 1.5 USB ]
   32)  Edision argus VIP V2 [ 1 plugin tuner + 2 CI + 1 USB ]
   33)  Edision argus VIP2   [ 2 plugin tuners + 1 USB ]

  Various sh4-based receivers
   34)  SpiderBox HL-101
   35)  ADB ITI-5800S(X) (nBox BSKA, BSLA, BXZB or BZZB)
   36)  Showbox Vitamin HD5000 (256Mbyte flash version)
   37)  SagemCom 88 series
   38)  Ferguson Ariva @Link 200

Select target (1-38)

Checking the .elf files in /home/saen/buildsystem/root/boot... [OK]

   1)  STM 24 P0209 []
   2*) STM 24 P0217 []
Select kernel (1-2)?

   1)  optimization for smallest, very basic image (E2 only)
   2*) optimization for size
   3)  optimization normal
   4)  Kernel debug
   5)  debug (includes Kernel debug)
Select optimization (1-5)?

Which Image do you want to build:
   1)  Enigma2
   2*) Enigma2 (includes WLAN drivers)
   3)  Neutrino
   4)  Neutrino (includes WLAN drivers)
   5)  Tvheadend
Select Image to build (1-5)? 5

Please select one of the following Tvheadend revisions (default = 1):
 0)  Newest                 - Tvheadend  built-in player (CAUTION: may fail due to outdated patch)
 1)  Fri, 26 Jul 2019 18:46 - Tvheadend  built-in player  6c6e0e5103b874fdd926b0f1bcdaed4d7e8b464e
 2)  Wed, 13 Dec 2017 22:23 - Tvheadend  built-in player  3b232b66e02fc46f1e7e97efb5ef48c6968cf779
 3*) Fri, 24 Feb 2017 18:23 - Tvheadend  built-in player  4931c0544885371b85146efad4eacd9683ba3dad
Media Framework         : buildinplayer
Select Tvheadend revision :

External LCD support:
   1*) No external LCD
   2)  graphlcd for external LCD
   3)  lcd4linux for external LCD
   4)  graphlcd and lcd4linux for external LCD (both)
Select external LCD support (1-4)?

Where will the image be running:
   1*) Flash memory or hard disk
   2)  USB stick
Select destination (1-2)? 2

Build Environment Variables:
PATH             : /home/saen/buildsystem/tufsbox/host/bin
                 : /home/saen/buildsystem/tufsbox/cross/bin
                 : /home/saen/buildsystem/tufsbox/cross/bin:/usr/local/sbin
                 : /usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games
                 : /usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin
ARCHIVE_DIR      : /home/saen/Archive
BASE_DIR         : /home/saen/buildsystem
CUSTOM_DIR       : /home/saen/buildsystem/custom
TOOLS_DIR        : /home/saen/buildsystem/tools
DRIVER_DIR       : /home/saen/buildsystem/driver
FLASH_DIR        : /home/saen/buildsystem/flash
CROSS_DIR        : /home/saen/buildsystem/tufsbox/cross
CROSS_BASE       : /home/saen/buildsystem/tufsbox/cross
RELEASE_DIR      : /home/saen/buildsystem/tufsbox/release
HOST_DIR         : /home/saen/buildsystem/tufsbox/host
TARGET_DIR       : /home/saen/buildsystem/tufsbox/cdkroot
KERNEL_DIR       : /home/saen/buildsystem/build_tmp/linux-sh4-
MAINTAINER       : saen
BUILD            : x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
TARGET           : sh4-linux
BOXTYPE          : atevio7500
MEDIAFW          : buildinplayer
IMAGE            : tvheadend
TVHEADEND_DIFF                : 3
THVEADEND_REVISION            : 4931c0544885371b85146efad4eacd9683ba3dad

All required tools seem to be installed.

Your build environment is ready :-)

Do you want to start the build now (Y*/n)?

Start build of busybox_usb 1.32.0.
Applying Patch: busybox-1.32.0-nandwrite.patch
patching file miscutils/nandwrite.c
Applying Patch: busybox-1.32.0-unicode.patch
patching file libbb/printable_string.c
Applying Patch: busybox-1.32.0-extra.patch
patching file archival/libarchive/get_header_tar.c
patching file Makefile
patching file modutils/Config.src
patching file modutils/insmod.c
patching file scripts/trylink
Applying Patch: busybox-1.32.0-extra2.patch
patching file Makefile.flags
patching file applets/usage_pod.c
patching file scripts/kconfig/conf.c
patching file applets/Kbuild.src
Applying Patch: busybox-1.32.0-flashcp-small-output.patch
patching file miscutils/flashcp.c
Applying Patch: busybox-1.32.0-block-telnet-internet.patch
patching file networking/telnetd.c
Applying Patch: busybox-1.32.0-recursive_action-fix.patch
patch: **** Can't open patch file /home/saen/buildsystem/patches/busybox-1.32.0-recursive_action-fix.patch : No such file or directory
make: *** [make/contrib-apps.mk:54: /home/saen/buildsystem/.deps/busybox_usb] Error 2

I understand that lates version TVHeadend need lot of patches,
so can you make option for base + minisatip https://github.com/catalinii/minisatip
base + SATPI https://github.com/Barracuda09/SATPI

Please enable Issues in github repo