Guys, maybe I found a solution for wifi (and other stuff) for Azbox HD.

I begun searching why wifi did not work. After some researching I've found out that wpa_supplicant was not able to daemonize but it was able to run wpa_supplicant without daemon (the -B option).
After few days I found a workarround: in /etc/network/ the box generates the interfaces file with wifi options like this:

pre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan1.conf -B -dd -Dwext || true
I just change it to
pre-up wpa_supplicant -iwlan1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan1.conf -dd -Dwext &
to run in background.

It works if you do some more changes and do not change anything in Network menu.

Then I tried to run the DLNA Browser and it didn't work too. When I run manually it gives me the same error of wpa_supplicant: No such device. Searching for specific error of djmount (failed to daemonize: No such device) I've found out the following command:

rm /dev/null ; mknod /dev/null c 1 3
Then I try to run djmount again and it works perfectly. I unmade all the changes on files and swap my wifi cards and it works too.
I've rebooted the device and the solution seems to be permanent.
AFAIK the comand rebuild a null device but I'm just a begginer on linux.

You can try this and tell the result.
I just spend a lot of time on this image because this is the fastest E2 image by far for my both Azbox Premium HD.