Hi there,

there is a fault in setup.xml under /usr/local/share/enigma2/ folder.
the line :

<item level="1" text="12V output" description="12V output" requires="12V_Output.">config.usage.output_12V</item>

it is faulty, you cant put the "." in requires field, that will not allow you to recognize the value of the field.

the "." is usually put in the description field so if you want to put it to terminate the item field you can just exchange the position of description with the requirers field and put "." at the end of description field like this
<item level="1" text="12V output" requires="12V_Output" description="12V output." >config.usage.output_12V</item>

I changed it like this and now it works fine :-)

BDW really good work thanks