Hi all,
I'd like to submit you the following issue:
as you know the 12V option in Main Menu->settings->system->personalizzation se to on will provide 12V power on antenna cable, this is really usefull functionality for whu has double tuner (satellite & Terrestrial) and use a singre cable from the two antenna to destination floor. This 12V on the antenna cable can be used to provide power to the terrestrial signal amplifier.
It works quite fine on this image it has just one fault (I say fault becouse it worked in oldef non pli images) and it is the following:
if you do the scanning of channels the 12V is sent on the antenna cable when scanning is done on satellite tuner but when it swithch to the terrestial channel 12V is not sent anymore than the terrestrial aplifier stop to work so no terrestrial channals are not found.

any change to get this fixed? when we set 12Volt on can we have it always on? in scanning, instandby etc... alway on 12V over antenna cable coming out from satellite tuner?
