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So far you have not told us much what happens EXACTLY after a flash try except the information-less statements "blocked" and "does not work", so unless you tell us something we can work with, we cannot do much. The following is therefore a complete guess.

If you indeed have flashed the file kader_73 suspects, channel-up should still work, provided the .IRD you try to flash has the correct resellerID. I suspect he current resellerID in this crap loader is 270200A0. If the resellerID's do not match te Original loader displays Er.10; what the current loader does in such cases I have no way of knowing.

So here is the next option: download this file and unpack it. Use a good reseller changer to set the resellerID to 270200A0 (many change the A0 to 00). Flash the resulting file using channel-up. If successful, the resellerID of the receiver is 270100A0 (Octagon SF918G SE+).

I do not know why people change bootloaders without need; Enigma2 and Neutrino can be built to run with an unchanged factory boot loader with an HS7119 (and on a HS7429 and HS7819 for that matter). Why almost nobody does this is not clear to me.

Ergo: NEVER, absolutely NEVER, change a bootloader unless:
  1. you know what you are doing,
  2. you want to say goodbye to the not-so-bad and very stable factory firmware,
  3. you know beforehand what resellerID the receiver has after the change,
  4. you want to lose most, if not all recovery possiblities and your warranty if there is one,
  5. you are prepared to run into serious trouble or even brick your receiver if something goes wrong,
  6. there is a way back you completely understand and are capable of performing it with the means at your disposal,
  7. AND finally: there is a very good reason for changing the loader (to be able to run Enigma2 is not one).


hello Audioniek I flasher enigma2 in internal flash last year it function well and since 15 days more image simply turn on the front panel 7119 and flashes red and green and impossible to put the original thanks.