
Ich habe hier mal eine Ausgabe von meiner LX1. Seit openATV 5.2 funzt MAT bei keinem Receiver mehr.

Welcome to openATV for xpeedlx
openatv 5.2 xpeedlx

xpeedlx login: root
Last login: Tue Mar 1 21:56:30 CET 2016 on pts/0
root@xpeedlx:~# opkg list busybox
busybox - 1.24.1-r0.30 - Tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable
BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a
single small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for most of
the utilities you usually find in GNU fileutils, shellutils, etc. The
utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options than their full-
featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are included provide the
expected functionality and behave very much like their GNU counterparts.
BusyBox provides a fairly complete POSIX environment for any small or
embedded system.