Das ist der Log von der HDMU 16609 ! Ich sehe da auch "uimage"

'0¦¦(Re)start USB...
Front USB:   scanning bus for devices... 3 USB Device(s) found
       scanning bus for storage devices... 1 Storage Device(s) found
            system volume information/
 262144000   root.img
  3012751   uimage

2 file(s), 2 dir(s)

reading uImage
ret=> 3012751
Wait [1]
Wait [2]
Wait [3]
Wait [4]
Wait [5]
Wait [6]
ext2fs_check_if_mount: Can't check if filesystem is mounted due to missing mtab file while determining whether /mnt/root.img is mounted.
/mnt/root.img: recovering journal
/mnt/root.img: clean, 9239/64000 files, 149724/256000 blocks
mount root
INIT: version 2.88 booting
init frontpanel
[mountvirtfs] Mount /dev in tmpfs
[mountvirtfs] Copying device nodes to /dev
Starting portmap daemon....
Loading autofs
Starting autofs
[mountall] Mounting local filesystems...
Cleaning /tmp.
Hostname: 1008G+SE+.
init stmfb
load firmware
copLoadFile (file /boot/audio.elf)
ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
base_address 0x40400000
seeking to 0
seeking to 5e00
seeking to 12460
seeking to 1ab60
seeking to 154300
seeking to 154338
seeking to 154370
seeking to 191a58
seeking to 191a60
seeking to 191a68
seeking to 191a70
seeking to 1aae40
seeking to 1aaf00
copLoadFile (file /boot/video.elf)
ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
base_address 0x40000000
seeking to 0
seeking to 60980
seeking to 148478
seeking to 1484b0
seeking to 1484e8
seeking to 158858
seeking to 158864
seeking to 158880
seeking to 184d94
seeking to 186e00
init embx
init AVS
skip mpeg2
Model: 'hs7429'
vBoxType: 8
Input device name: "TDT RC event driver"
Selected Remote: Fortis RemoteControl
RemoteControl Map:
                MENU - 04 - 139
                 RED - 4B - 398
               GREEN - 4A - 399
              YELLOW - 49 - 400
                BLUE - 48 - 401
                EXIT - 1C - 174
                TEXT - 0D - 388
                 EPG - 08 - 365
              REWIND - 58 - 168
         FASTFORWARD - 5C - 208
                PLAY - 55 - 207
               PAUSE - 07 - 119
              RECORD - 56 - 167
                STOP - 54 - 128
             STANDBY - 0A - 116
                MUTE - 0C - 113
           CHANNELUP - 5E - 104
         CHANNELDOWN - 5F - 109
            VOLUMEUP - 4E - 115
          VOLUMEDOWN - 4F - 114
                INFO - 06 - 358
                  OK - 1F - 352
                  UP - 00 - 103
               RIGHT - 02 - 106
                DOWN - 01 - 108
                LEFT - 03 - 105
                BACK - 09 - 158
                ZOOM - 0B - 372
               VMODE - 0E -  47
          RESOLUTION - 0F - 393
             TVRADIO - 1A - 378
               SLEEP - 1E - 142
                OPEN - 40 - 361
                 FAV - 41 - 364
               TIMER - 42 - 362
                UPUP - 43 - 414
            DOWNDOWN - 44 - 415
                NEXT - 4C - 407
                LAST - 50 - 412
                 PIP - 51 - 375
               MEDIA - 52 - 226
                LIST - 53 - 395
             0BUTTON - 10 -  11
             1BUTTON - 11 -   2
             2BUTTON - 12 -   3
             3BUTTON - 13 -   4
             4BUTTON - 14 -   5
             5BUTTON - 15 -   6
             6BUTTON - 16 -   7
             7BUTTON - 17 -   8
             8BUTTON - 18 -   9
             9BUTTON - 19 -  10
Frontpanel Map:
             STANDBY - 00 - 116
                  OK - 06 - 352
                MENU - 05 - 139
            VOLUMEUP - 03 - 115
          VOLUMEDOWN - 04 - 114
           CHANNELUP - 01 - 104
         CHANNELDOWN - 02 - 109
Supports Long KeyPress: 1
processComplex >
period 10, delay 120
Using period=10 delay=120
[mountall] Mounting local filesystems...
showSinglePic /boot/bootlogo.mvi
VIDEO_PLAY (Success)
VIDEO_CLEAR_BUFFER: (Invalid argument)
Deconfiguring network interfaces... done.
Setting up IP spoofing protection: rp_filter.
Configuring network interfaces... done.
[set_was_timer_wakeup] no timer aktiv
/usr/emu/oscam11198: invalid option -- 'b'
ERROR: Unknown command line parameter: -b
Invalid card number.
Usage: amixer <options> command

Available options:
  -h,--help       this help
  -c,--card N     select the card
  -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
  -d,--debug      debug mode
  -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
  -v,--version    print version of this program
  -q,--quiet      be quiet
  -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
  -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)

Available commands:
  scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
  scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
  sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
Invalid card number.
Usage: amixer <options> command

Available options:
  -h,--help       this help
  -c,--card N     select the card
  -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
  -d,--debug      debug mode
  -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
  -v,--version    print version of this program
  -q,--quiet      be quiet
  -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
  -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)

Available commands:
  scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
  scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
  sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
  sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
  controls        show all controls for given card
  contents        show contents of all controls for given card
  cset cID P      set control contents for one control
  cget cID        get control contents for one control
  sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
  controls        show all controls for given card
  contents        show contents of all controls for given card
  cset cID P      set control contents for one control
  cget cID        get control contents for one control
Invalid card number.
Usage: amixer <options> command

Available options:
  -h,--help       this help
  -c,--card N     select the card
  -D,--device N   select the device, default 'default'
  -d,--debug      debug mode
  -n,--nocheck    do not perform range checking
  -v,--version    print version of this program
  -q,--quiet      be quiet
  -i,--inactive   show also inactive controls
  -a,--abstract L select abstraction level (none or basic)

Available commands:
  scontrols       show all mixer simple controls
  scontents       show contents of all mixer simple controls (default command)
  sset sID P      set contents for one mixer simple control
  sget sID        get contents for one mixer simple control
  controls        show all controls for given card
  contents        show contents of all controls for given card
  cset cID P      set control contents for one control
  cget cID        get control contents for one control
starting e2->
PYTHONPATH: /usr/lib/enigma2/python
[MAIN] executing main
libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
TuxTxt cache cleared
TuxTxt cache cleared
TuxTxt: initialized
TuxTxt service started 17f2
[eDVBPESReader] Created. Opening demux
[eDVBPESReader] Created. Opening demux
TuxTxt running thread...(17f2)