der erste log ist beim durchrennen ins titan
#Log file from Morlys SH4 STB Admin Tool from: So Feb 24 2013, 14:24:02

Board: STb7100-mboard

U-Boot 1.1.2 (STLINUX_2_0p1) (Feb 23 2008 - 17:07:31)

DRAM:  32 MB
 write time out = 1, clock = 40
 write time out = 1, clock = 40
Flash: 16 MB
In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
pll0 freq 531

pll1 freq 399
Net:   VFD_Driver Init
VFD_Controller Type : NEW Kathrein VFD
board_version = 0
Button_value = 7
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  1  0 
## Booting image at a0030000 ...
   Image Name:   mini U-boot-r1.4
   Image Type:   SuperH Linux Standalone Program (gzip compressed)
   Data Size:    64354 Bytes = 62.8 kB
   Load Address: 84601000
   Entry Point:  84601000
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Uncompressing Standalone Application ... OK
selected Image to start: ----Flash----

identify failed, trying e2.. or bootargs_0
## Booting image at a0040000 ...
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK

Starting kernel console=ttyAS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2 ip= mem=64m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@0x10400000 rootdelay=0 nwhwconf=device:eth0,hwaddr:00:50:fd:ff:12:34 init=/bin/devinit - 0x00000000 - 0 ...

INIT: version 2.86 booting

[rcS] start /etc/init.d/rcS
[rcS] booting AAF_M19487_r4574_ufs910_titan
[rcS] mount VAR-FLASH (MTD3)
Mount /dev in tmpfs
Copying device nodes to /dev
[rcS] start first titan ufs910
[] Thread 1 start
[] [first] startTimeset
[] [first] startConfig
Sat Dec 12 20:00:00 CET 1970
[/var/etc/autostart/] start inetd
[] [first] skip startWastimerwakeup
[] [first] init stmfb
[] [first] enable HDMI
[] [first] current Date : 20:00:01 12-12-1970
[] [first] startBootlogo 
[] [first] startVfd
[] start /var/etc/boot/
[] use bootlogo jpg
/bin/fp_control: SW Version 1.02
Model: ufs910
vBoxType: 0
Segmentation fault
[] Thread 1 end
[] [first] startFrontpanel
[] [first] init frontpanel
[] [first] startEvremote titan ufs910
[] [first] 1W boxtype
[/var/etc/autostart/] start autofs
rm: can't remove '/media/net/*': No such file or directory
Model: ufs910
vBoxType: 1
Input device name: "TDT RC event driver"
Selected Remote: Ufs910 1Watt RemoteControl
RemoteControl Map:
                MENU - 54 - 139
[/var/etc/autostart/] start load autofs
          MENU_FRONT - 49 - 139
                 RED - 6D - 398
               GREEN - 6E - 399
              YELLOW - 6F - 400
                BLUE - 70 - 401
                EXIT - 55 - 102
          EXIT_FRONT - 4B - 102
                TEXT - 3C - 388
                 EPG - 4C - 365
              REWIND - 21 - 168
         FASTFORWARD - 20 - 208
                PLAY - 38 - 207
               PAUSE - 39 - 119
              RECORD - 37 - 167
                STOP - 31 - 128
             STANDBY - 0C - 116
       STANDBY_FRONT - 48 - 116
                MUTE - 0D - 113
           CHANNELUP - 1E - 104
         CHANNELDOWN - 1F - 109
            VOLUMEUP - 10 - 115
          VOLUMEDOWN - 11 - 114
                INFO - 0F - 138
       OPTIONS_FRONT - 47 - 138
                  OK - 5C - 352
                  UP - 58 - 103
               RIGHT - 5B - 106
                DOWN - 59 - 108
                LEFT - 5A - 105
             0BUTTON - 00 -  11
             1BUTTON - 01 -   2
             2BUTTON - 02 -   3
             3BUTTON - 03 -   4
             4BUTTON - 04 -   5
             5BUTTON - 05 -   6
             6BUTTON - 06 -   7
             7BUTTON - 07 -   8
             8BUTTON - 08 -   9
             9BUTTON - 09 -  10
               LMENU - D4 - 139
                LRED - ED - 398
              LGREEN - EE - 399
             LYELLOW - EF - 400
               LBLUE - F0 - 401
               LEXIT - D5 - 102
               LTEXT - BC - 388
                LEPG - CC - 365
             LREWIND - A1 - 168
        LFASTFORWARD - A0 - 208
               LPLAY - B8 - 207
              LPAUSE - B9 - 119
             LRECORD - B7 - 167
               LSTOP - B1 - 128
            LSTANDBY - 8C - 116
               LMUTE - 8D - 113
          LCHANNELUP - 9E - 104
        LCHANNELDOWN - 9F - 109
           LVOLUMEUP - 90 - 115
         LVOLUMEDOWN - 91 - 114
               LINFO - 8F - 138
                 LOK - DC - 352
                 LUP - D8 - 103
              LRIGHT - DB - 106
               LDOWN - D9 - 108
               LLEFT - DA - 105
            L0BUTTON - 80 -  11
            L1BUTTON - 81 -   2
            L2BUTTON - 82 -   3
            L3BUTTON - 83 -   4
            L4BUTTON - 84 -   5
            L5BUTTON - 85 -   6
            L6BUTTON - 86 -   7
            L7BUTTON - 87 -   8
            L8BUTTON - 88 -   9
            L9BUTTON - 89 -  10
Supports Long KeyPress: 1
processComplex >
setting new flags
Using period=106 delay=20
Segmentation fault
*** InfoBox v1.7 by GOst4711 and nit ***
1280x720, 32bpp
[/var/etc/autostart/] start first titan ufs910
[/var/etc/autostart/] startNetwork: start
[] [first] startAvs
[] [first] skip startMountSwap
startCheckhanging touch /tmp/.hotplugfirstcheck
[networking] start eth0...
[networking] eth0 using dhcp
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
4194304 bytes (4.0MB) copied, 0.351907 seconds, 11.4MB/s
udhcpc (v1.19.2) started
Sending discover...
4096+0 records in
4096+0 records out
4194304 bytes (4.0MB) copied, 0.282100 seconds, 14.2MB/s
Sending select for
Lease of obtained, lease time 864000
route: SIOCDELRT: No such process
adding dns
[] startNewdev device=sda1 label=SAWP type=vfat
[] startChangedev device=sda1 label=SAWP-sda1 type=vfat
[] startNewdev device=sda2 label=MINI1 type=ext2
[] startChangedev device=sda2 label=MINI1-sda2 type=ext2
jpg image hight = 720
jpg image width = 1280
[] startNewdev device=sda3 label=MINI2 type=ext2
[] startChangedev device=sda3 label=MINI2-sda3 type=ext2
[] startNewdev device=sda4 label=MINI3 type=ext2
[] startChangedev device=sda4 label=MINI3-sda4 type=ext2

hdparm: can't open '/dev/sdb': No such device or address
hdparm: can't open '/dev/sdc': No such device or address
hdparm: can't open '/dev/sdd': No such device or address
startCheckhanging rm /tmp/.hotplugfirstcheck
[/var/etc/autostart/] startWaitfor timed out: maxwaittime=10 sec waitfor=/tmp/.swapextensionsdev
[] [first] load audio firmware (/boot/audio.elf)
copLoadFile (file /boot/audio.elf)
ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
base_address 0x10400000
seeking to 0
seeking to 5f00
seeking to 12320
seeking to 1aa20
seeking to 173100
seeking to 173138
seeking to 173170
seeking to 1b9058
seeking to 1b9060
seeking to 1b9068
seeking to 1b9070
seeking to 1d0920
seeking to 1d0a00
[] [first] load video firmware
copLoadFile (file /boot/video.elf)
ustslave: Kernel Version: 24
base_address 0x10000000
seeking to 0
seeking to 432c0
seeking to 59878
seeking to 598b0
seeking to 598e8
seeking to 5f3d8
seeking to 5f3e4
seeking to 5f3f0
seeking to 62664
seeking to 64700
[] [first] init embx
[] [first] init player 191
[] [first] startBootlogo cont
[] [first] startReader titan ufs910
[] [first] startCheckDHCP remove /tmp/.audiofwcheck
[] [first] startCheckDHCP remove /tmp/.videofwcheck
[] Thread 2 start
/var/etc/autostart/ line 2100: can't create /dev/vfd: Too many users
[] Thread 2 end
Segmentation fault
startCheckhanging touch /tmp/.hotplugfirstcheck
[] startNewdev device=sda1 label=SAWP type=vfat
[] startChangedev device=sda1 label=SAWP-sda1 type=vfat
[] startNewdev device=sda2 label=MINI1 type=ext2
[] startChangedev device=sda2 label=MINI1-sda2 type=ext2
[] startNewdev device=sda3 label=MINI2 type=ext2
[] startChangedev device=sda3 label=MINI2-sda3 type=ext2
[] startNewdev device=sda4 label=MINI3 type=ext2
[] startChangedev device=sda4 label=MINI3-sda4 type=ext2

hdparm: can't open '/dev/sdb': No such device or address
hdparm: can't open '/dev/sdc': No such device or address
hdparm: can't open '/dev/sdd': No such device or address
startCheckhanging rm /tmp/.hotplugfirstcheck
add /dev/ttyUSB0
ls: /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
add /dev/ttyUSB1
ls: /dev/ttyUSB1: No such file or directory
[rcS] starting titan
[titan] copyright by NIT - version 1.23
[titan] crontribut: obi, black, dvboxer, oxygen, gost
[titan] using config: /var/etc/titan/titan.cfg
[titan] ResellerId: skipped, file=global.h, func=checkreseller, line=560
[titan] boxtype: UFS910, file=global.h, func=checkreseller, line=561
jpg image hight = 720
jpg image width = 1280
------- Programmende
[titan] error: can't get ip (, file=sock.h, func=get_ip, line=485
[titan] error: can't get ip, file=sock.h, func=gethttpreal, line=601
[/bin/] startWaitfor timed out: maxwaittime=20 sec waitfor=/tmp/.swapextensionsdev
not found
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] error: can't open /var/swap/player/playlist, err=No such file or directory, file=mainplaylist.h, func=readmainplaylist, line=221
[titan] error: epgscanlist line 1 not ok (channel not found), file=epgscan.h, func=addepgscanlist, line=224
[titan] error: epgscanlist line 50 not ok (channel not found), file=epgscan.h, func=addepgscanlist, line=224
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] GmediaRender Plugin loadet !!!, file=gmediarender.c, func=init, line=23
[titan] TiThek Plugin loadet !!!, file=tithek.c, func=init, line=33
[titan] File Manager Plugin loadet !!!, file=filemanager.c, func=init, line=25
[titan] error: node not found imdbapi, file=skin.h, func=getscreennode, line=1029
[titan] imdbapi Plugin loadet !!!, file=imdbapi.c, func=init, line=35
[titan] error: read dvb date, file=dvb.h, func=dvbgetdate, line=832
[titan] Weather Plugin loadet !!!, file=weather.c, func=init, line=23
[titan] Reader Config Plugin loadet !!!, file=readerconfig.c, func=init, line=23
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] Streaminfo Plugin loadet !!!, file=streaminfo.c, func=init, line=25
[titan] Panel Plugin loadet !!!, file=panel.c, func=init, line=42
[titan] error: node not found tmdb, file=skin.h, func=getscreennode, line=1029
[titan] TMDb Plugin loadet !!!, file=tmdb.c, func=init, line=35
[titan] error: node not found imdb, file=skin.h, func=getscreennode, line=1029
[titan] Imdb Plugin loadet !!!, file=imdb.c, func=init, line=35
[titan] MC Plugin loadet !!!, file=mc.c, func=init, line=57
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
[titan] start timer sub thread, file=timerthread.h, func=timerthreadfunc, line=234
add /dev/ttyUSB0
ls: /dev/ttyUSB0: No such file or directory
add /dev/ttyUSB1
ls: /dev/ttyUSB1: No such file or directory
[] [] Load ramswap compress/decompress
[titan] error: read dvb date, file=dvb.h, func=dvbgetdate, line=832
[titan] error: can't get ip (, file=sock.h, func=get_ip, line=485
[titan] error: can't get ip, file=sock.h, func=gethttpreal, line=601
[titan] error: can't open /tmp/newsletter.txt, err=No such file or directory, file=newsletter.h, func=readnewsletter, line=113
[] [last] current Date : 20:01:24 12-12-1970
/bin/fp_control: SW Version 1.02
Model: ufs910
vBoxType: 1
Selected Model: Kathrein UFS910 1W frontpanel control utility
setting new flags
configs: DISPLAY = 1, DISPLAYCUSTOM = 1, CUSTOM =     %H:%M:%S    
getTimeFromArg <
setTime: not implemented
[] start
startCheckhanging touch /tmp/.hotplugfirstcheck

der zweite log ist beim auswählen des USB1 , bei USB2 und 3 habe ich genau das selbe resultat der arbeitet nicht weiter und bleibt hängen

Board: STb7100-mboard 


 U-Boot 1.1.2 (STLINUX_2_0p1) (Feb 23 2008 - 17:07:31)

 DRAM:  32 MB
  write time out = 1, clock = 40
  write time out = 1, clock = 40
 Flash: 16 MB
 In:    serial
 Out:   serial
 Err:   serial
 pll0 freq 531
 pll1 freq 399
 Net:   VFD_Driver Init
 VFD_Controller Type : NEW Kathrein VFD
 board_version = 0
 Button_value = 7
 Hit any key to stop autoboot:  1  0 
 ## Booting image at a0030000 ...
    Image Name:   mini U-boot-r1.4
    Image Type:   SuperH Linux Standalone Program (gzip compressed)
    Data Size:    64354 Bytes = 62.8 kB
    Load Address: 84601000
    Entry Point:  84601000
    Verifying Checksum ... OK
    Uncompressing Standalone Application ... OK
 selected Image to start: ----Flash----
 selected Image to start: ----USB-1----
 USB0 ChipsBnk 110074973765
 loading from usb 0:2
 1641596 bytes read
 ## Booting image at a5000000 ...
    Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK

 Starting kernel console=ttyAS0,115200 root=/dev/sda2 rw ip= mem=64m coprocessor_mem=4m@0x10000000,4m@0x10400000 rootdelay=6 nwhwconf=device:eth0,hwaddr:00:50:fd:ff:12:34 init=/bin/devinit - 0x00000000 - 0 ...