Zitat Zitat von solala Beitrag anzeigen
... but 5 years ago there was no possibility to do ANYTHING useful with the original loaders
You are right, but I am talking about nowadays, and the community has learnt a lot in the mean time. As for Fortis HD receivers, ALL can run Neutrino in flash with the factory bootloader without even changing the bootargs, and as far as Enigma2 goes, the same is true but for the only limiting factor there is the available amout of flash memory, which rules out the first and second generation of Fortis HD receivers, apart from the HS8200.

As kader_73 confirms, just use the patches and .configs from my git; the flash environment of it even creates directly flashable .IRD files, provided you feed it the correct resellerID.

As far as I am concerned this will be repeated with the fourth generation of Fortis receivers, I have reached the point that the kernel starts and the /etc/init.d/rcS is executed.

In summary: nowadays there is no longer a need to change the factory bootloader on a Fortis HD receiver.



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Zitat Zitat von samkooke Beitrag anzeigen
hello Audioniek I flasher enigma2 in internal flash last year it function well and since 15 days more image simply turn on the front panel 7119 and flashes red and green and impossible to put the original thanks.
Well, you have done it again: not providing the info I asked for, but just telling (again) "it does not work". So again:

What is the resellerID in the current bootloader? (I can tell you up front it is NOT in the standard location, so you have to ask the author of your current loader.)
What does the display say when you try to flash the correct factory loader after using a good resellerchanger?
What does the serial log say when you try to flash the correct factory loader after using a good resellerchanger?

If you cannot provide a sensible anser to these questions, we cannot help you.



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Zitat Zitat von harryhase Beitrag anzeigen
what is the advantage, flashing emigma into flash?
1. On some models you use the only available USB port, so a hub is required to be able to record;
2. Speed: in flash everything runs quite a bit smoother, boot time is halved (worse even with a hub);
3. WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor) is zero or lower, in particular with a hub;
4. These receivers where never designed to run an image off an USB stick: in flash is technically more correct;
5. A running Enigma2 constantly writes to the USB stick. USB sticks are not suitable for this kind of use as most do not have wear levelling techniques.

In short: only use a USB stick if you absolutely want to have the choice between factory firmware or Enigma2 at each receiver start.

