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I use my phone for making calls (and nothing else, it is very dumb), my car to take me from A to Z and back (I despise cars that only go as far as B) and my satellite receiver for watching and recording satellite tv. I do NOT (mis)use my receiver to do the washing up: it does a very poor job at that. There is better and cheaper hardware out there for playing about any file in any or almost any format stored in about any location including the cloud called a media player; the last one I bought cost about 30 euros and does a better job than my VU+ Ultimo, the last surving MIPS-disaster in my household.
I do understand you prefer to have specialized equipment to do any single thing, but this does not mean toys you are using does not have more functions than you use.
For example, even you use your phone just for calling, it also has a webbrowser and email client. Or maybe you have bought old 10 years old cellphone?
The point is, if a hardware & software is capable to do something, we should not block this option because we don't use it. Flexibility is the key.

And finally, sattelite tuner for general user is a blackbox. He does not want to educate why it does not play any avi movie and install/change components. All should work since the beginning. This means to me all functions should be included into image or easily (from RC) installable.
My 2 cents