Zitat Zitat von gorski Beitrag anzeigen
OK, let's see if HDMU Team can actually hear us out and listen to the users... I have compiled these observations from many users on other forums...

Maybe HDMU would actually be quicker - you know, after a while, when your images get clogged up and CS is no longer working - with dmesg and this plugin that restarts a service... Something to think about, it seems to me. Maybe an ON/OFF switch for it, so user decides if s/he? wants it ON or OFF, i.e. if it is needed...

Let's hope for the best. Some people really need this, to watch away from the women and kids... What is perplexing is that in Russian Team's Project it works, so why not in HDMU?

we not support cs
and why streaming works in russioan image, because this os old openpli image not a nightly build

the point with the driver, where is the source of it, and why it is not in tdt git, the home of sh4 boxes????